Anchor Pools in South Carolina builds swimming pools, performs maintenance and service, and has its own retail shop.

With all of their offerings, coordinating at-home service and what needed to be done started proving difficult as customers would sometimes talk with multiple staff members.

It wasn’t unusual for head of marketing Stephanie Helton to hear from confused or unsatisfied customers who hadn’t received the exact services they thought they would be getting. Or sometimes a service guy wouldn’t show up when the customer thought they would be there.

Unifying Communication

To prevent miscommunication and ensure better customer experiences, Anchor Pools developed a scheduling process with Skipio.

Once a customer calls to schedule a service, immediately after they receive a text confirming the appointment, time, and reason for the visit. That way it’s clearly outlined for the customer what is going to happen and when.

So if Stephanie schedules someone for pool opening service, the customer, the service team, her boss, and anybody else in the office all know exactly what’s been arranged. It’s in Skipio and their calendar system.

After scheduled work is completed, the service team then sends photos to the customer straight from the mobile companion app. From start finish Skipio helps Anchor Pools offer the best customer service.

Saving Time and Boosting Engagement

Along with avoiding communication pitfalls, they’re saving time too. When before someone would have to spend time calling 20 or 30 customers each day to schedule and confirm appointments, now it’s done with scheduled texts in about 10 minutes.

Stephanie also takes advantage of groups to send customers targeted messages about the things important to them.

So whether it’s perfectly timed maintenance reminders for new pool owners — all automated — or the announcement of sales and events, every customer stays in the loop.

Plus, with an 86% response rate to their texts, the staff at Anchor Pools know that what they’re doing is working.