Jon Lefrandt knows better than perhaps anyone that the funeral industry isn’t utilizing technology. He also knows that funeral homes only succeed when they prioritize relationships.

So to help funeral homes more effectively reach out to their communities and the families they serve, Jon started Domanicare.

Their aftercare program is built around one thing: texting. And that’s why Domanicare is powered by Skipio.

Through Domanicare, funeral homes in the United States connect with family members who used their services following the loss of a loved one.

The employees at Domanicare get to know the funeral homes and then write and send text messages on their behalf, contacting every family.

Bringing Funeral Homes to the 21st Century

With the Message Library and scheduling feature of Skipio, Domanicare connects the funeral homes and family members throughout the year.

The first text arrives within the first month after the funeral, and texts continue, including on major holidays, the deceased’s birthday, and on the anniversary of the death date.

So not only are texts automated to send at specific intervals, each message is customized for the funeral home and recipients. The messages sent from each funeral home reflect their business and brand, building on the experiences the family already had while planning the funeral.

The personal touch is never lost.

Following up with a Purpose

These texts help foster real relationships between the funeral homes and families. So when a family member receives a personalized text asking for a review, they are usually more than happy to do so.

Not only are families likely to come back when another loved one passes — all because of the relationship they have with the funeral home — their reviews help others make the right choice.