What started as a small family business selling herbal supplements in the 1980s, Clean Start has now grown into a $5 million company with three locations in Georgia and Florida.

Clean Start still sells herbal supplements, but their business now includes everything from massages, acupuncture, and float pods to colonics, organic facials, and foot detoxes. They truly offer total body cleansing.

For owner Candice Crawford and Wellness Director Katie, growing the business starts and ends with the customer experience.

But Clean Start needed a better way to follow up and foster relationships. Because email certainly wasn’t working.

Following Up with Care

Katie and the Clean Start team follow up with their customers at each location on a weekly basis. Anyone who bought something or enjoyed a service is added to a specific group and receives a follow-up message.

These messages range from a simple “How are you doing?” to a more in-depth “Do you need any further recommendations?”

Because of the follow-up process Katie has developed, customers know they can reach out and receive a fast response. And that’s become especially important for helping people use herbal supplements and take care after treatment.

Prioritizing Personal Connections

There’s nothing personal about email, and the click through rates proved that 89% of Clean Start’s website traffic comes from mobile phones, so Katie and Candice knew that’s where they had to reach their customers.