Curtis Pastore opened his gym with the hope of creating a place people actually enjoyed going to for their workouts. His wish came true.

Located in Syracuse, New York, Burn Kickboxing is a place for like-minded people to work and play hard together.

With a 16-member staff and nearly 1,000 members, Curtis knows how to push his limits in business and he uses Skipio to help.

He’s crafted an intensive onboarding campaign that includes 30 days of personal texts, phone calls, and even postcards. But when it came to reactivation, Curtis had never utilized Skipio for that purpose.

Getting Back in the Swing of Things

He already had a list of past clients and others who had once expressed interest in Burn Kickboxing. With the grand opening of his new two-story gym, Curtis thought it was time to bring some of them back.

With his list of old leads and clients sorted into a group in his Skipio account, Curtis wrote and scheduled two messages.

First, he teased the deal a day before the launch: The first 30 people who replied to his text would get a six-month membership for more than 50% off the regular price.

The official promotion text went out the follow morning and included a link to sign up. With a limited number of sign-ups available during the 24-hour deal, Curtis created urgency that only worked because of texting.

Winning the Reactivation Battle

Ultimately, Curtis made over $19,000 and got 32 people back in the gym. (Running a business is all about flexibility, so what’s a few extra people?)

On top of that, he refined his reactivation group and started valuable conversations.

Some people still expressed interest in Burn Kickboxing and others not so much. But by sparking the connection he now knew exactly who to contact with future deals and offers.