Heather DeWitt has owned her gym for over 10 years, but it wasn’t until six years ago that she fully dedicated herself to growing it as a business. Soon after, someone recommended Skipio and it changed how she ran her gym.

Heather began reaching every single potential and current member in a faster, more personal way. And when she applied Skipio to her lead nurturing process, it was yet another opportunity for growth.

Saving Time with Automations

Heather and her team use Skipio to communicate with leads and customers and to set appointments.

Because Skipio automatically takes care of initial outreach, appointment setting, confirmations, reminders, rescheduling, and post-appointment follow-up, Heather is able to focus on improving her marketing, lead generation, and member retention.

Relying on Skipio for so much of their lead nurturing saves EvoFit up to seven hours every week, and they began seeing that time-saving right after implementing those strategies.

“It was a game changer. Because somebody didn’t have to be in the office every single day answering a phone,” Heather says. “And who calls people these days? Nobody.”

Using Conversations to Convert

Not only does Skipio save EvoFit time, the platform helped increase their appointment set rate to 60%. Before Skipio, relying on email and phone calls and hours of manual outreach, the rate was 36%.

With that boosted show rate, Heather and her team convert 42% of leads into paying members.

“95% of our communication is text,” Heather explains. “Everything is Skipio. Without it I would be lost.”

Improving Business Processes

With Skipio on their side, EvoFit reaps all the benefits of completely personalized outreach and follow-up — without any of the major time commitments you’d think they needed.

With the time they save, Heather and her team fine tune and improve the other portions of the business and spend more time in front of their members. All those actions ultimately add up to a very successful gym and community.