Tag Archives: sms marketing best practices
What is SMS Express Written Consent and Why is It Important?
You’ve likely heard of obtaining “express written consent” when completing required business phone number registrations [...]
Spam Words to Avoid Using in Your SMS Marketing Messages
One of the most important things to consider in SMS marketing is the language used [...]
7 Common SMS Marketing Mistakes Businesses Make
Texting is your direct line to customers, but they’ll unsubscribe if you’re not careful. Like [...]
11 Things to Do Right Now to Increase Text Message Deliverability and Replies
Here are 11 things you can do right now to help more of your marketing [...]
The Psychology of SMS Open Rates: How to Write Messages That Get Read
Open rates are a key metric for measuring the success of your text message campaigns. [...]
10 Common Mistakes to Avoid in Your Text Campaigns
Text message marketing is a powerful way to reach your audience and promote your business, [...]
How to Personalize Your SMS Marketing Messages and Why It Matters
Did you know that 72% of customers will only engage with personalized marketing messages? Personalization [...]
Tactics to Avoid Sounding Like a Bot When Sending Marketing Text Messages
Texting like a bot is a frustrating experience for both the sender and the recipient. [...]
Text Like a Human: Four Ways to Make Your SMS Marketing More Effective
No one, and I mean absolutely no one, wants to receive a text that says [...]
Personalization and Automation: How the Two Coexist Within Business Texting
Can you really send an automated text message that sounds personal? The answer is yes! [...]