Running a successful business relies so heavily on accountability. Without someone checking in or offering reminders, some things are just harder to get done. Hence the need for an increase in accountability.

And it’s not like this happens intentionally – people don’t usually make a conscious effort to not follow through or improve – though we can intentionally make accountability a priority. You, and everybody else involved with your business in some way, get a chance to start over every single day.

Luckily, just like texting helps people overcome forgetfulness, it can also be used to increase accountability.

Create Groups for People Who Need an Extra Nudge

There’s no quicker way to check in with someone than by sending a text. In some cases a one-off text totally works. But to make it even easier to stay in touch with customers, try to group people by their common needs.

For gym owners or personal trainers, accountability texts could be huge for retaining members and getting them results. Add people to a specific group to receive accountability texts when they:

  • Haven’t been to the gym recently: “Is there anything we can do to help you get back in the habit of working out?”
  • Started a new nutrition program: “What sort of recipes would help you stay on track?”
  • Scheduled early morning training sessions: “Rise and shine! I look forward to seeing you at 6:30.”
  • Just signed up for the gym: “Can’t wait to see you again. Are you interested in signing up for any classes?”
  • Started a new training regimen: “How was your X mile run today?”
  • Set a new goal: “Time for your weekly check-in. Do you feel like you’re making the right progress or should we change your goal?”

By adding people to specific groups and then texting them all at once, you save time and still create a personal touchpoint for each person.

Plus, if you’re this diligent in tracking who needs what help, it means you could also help connect customers to each other. By offering to give them accountability partners, they suddenly have another person encouraging and cheering them on.

Though the above examples focus on accountability in the fitness industry, most could be adapted for use in basically any industry.

Make a Campaign to Ask for Feedback and Reviews

What about when you need to increase accountability for improving your business? If you’ve had a hard time soliciting feedback, use texting to request reviews.

Consider sending messages to request feedback and/or reviews after:

  • Someone makes a purchase, though give them time to use whatever they bought
  • They attend a class a few times
  • A consultation
  • Holding a special event

Requesting feedback or a review starts a dialogue about someone’s experiences with your business. If a person feels unhappy with a product or service you offer, here’s your opportunity to get specific ideas on how to improve it. And if you know someone is unhappy, you can then create a follow-up plan with messages that help you retain them as a customer.

Don’t go around thinking things are great simply because you haven’t received specific feedback otherwise.

If you do ask for a review, include a link to your Facebook or Google page. After all, online reviews often make or break businesses. Even if you run an exceptional business that customers love, a lack of reviews online could say to others that your business isn’t well established or reliable.

Send and Save Appointment Confirmations and Reminders

When you send a confirmation immediately after setting up an appointment, you decrease the likelihood of no-shows. Similarly, sending out reminders in the days before and on the day of an appointment also helps people show up.

But sending these confirmations and reminders through Skipio helps keep you accountable as well because the appointment itself as well as the confirmation and reminders appear in your calendar. There’s no excuses for you to forget or to not show up.

If you do need to cancel, there’s no ghosting to worry about because Skipio keeps you accountable for that as well. When you go to cancel an appointment, the person you were supposed to meet with is immediately notified via text.

What do all of these examples have in common? Follow-up. And when you increase accountability for your follow-up and business process, great things happen to your business. On top of that, each of these things can be automated with some planning on your end.