Every customer is the perfect customer, but they may not be the perfect customer right now. What we mean by this is every customer will be ready to buy your product at some point. We call this point in time the figurative 12 o’clock hour. It’s the golden hour for selling.
To get to this time, you need to optimize your lead nurturing. Learning how to prepare for the 12 o’clock hour will guarantee you get more sales and more referrals from your customers because they will have decided to purchase from you well before it was their time to buy.
The Golden Hour for Selling
When a customer is at 12 o’clock, they’re ready to purchase your product. This is the golden hour where businesses collect payments and spike revenue.
Take Kim for example. Kim is in the market to purchase a new car. Her 12 o’clock hour is coming up soon. She already has a car guy in mind; it’s her friend Jim. Jim is not spending a ton of money on direct mail pieces or running TV spots, but somehow he has earned Kim’s trust and she knows that he is going to have her best interest in mind. Jim gets an easy sale.
Everyone has a “Car Guy” or a “Carpet Guy” or an “Insurance Guy,” so when it’s their 12 o’clock hour, they already have a person in mind they’re going to reach out to.
By the time it’s your customers’ 12 o’clock hour, it’s too late to try to start building trust. If you’re just starting to engage with them, you’re more of a vulture, hounding them about buying now. And if it’s after 12 o’clock you’ll have a hard time convincing them to buy a second brand new car. The seed needs to be planted beforehand.
Preparing for the Golden Hour
Preparing for 12 o’clock means building a relationship with your customers. This means communicating with them where they’re at and in the right way.
You don’t need to give a sales pitch at 3 o’clock when the customer isn’t ready to purchase. Instead, build value throughout the process so when 12 o’clock comes and they’re making the purchase decision, you’re the first person they think of.
This is the law of the harvest: You’re planting seeds you plan to harvest in the future.
This is what Jim did with Kim. He talked to Kim about her kids at the 8 o’clock hour, left a voicemail on her birthday at the 10 o’clock hour, sent her a text message about something funny at the 11 o’clock hour. Then Kim reached out to him at the 12 o’clock hour and let him know she was ready to buy.
In order to communicate with your customers throughout the customer life cycle, you need a medium that works. Compared to traditional methods, text messaging has a 97% open rate within three minutes. You can be sure that your customers are seeing your message. This can mean a giant difference in revenue for you and your business.
How Will You Know When the Golden Hour Comes Again?
You don’t know when 12 o’clock will come again for your customer. What matters is it will come. It will be 12 o’clock sometime and you can prepare for it or be at the mercy of those who do.
“Fortune is in the follow up.”
You need to make sure you’re communicating, connecting, and planting the seeds: the law of the harvest.
How to Be “The One”
As business owners, we all know that in order to have the most success we need to be “The One” they think of. But how do you do that without having endless funds like Apple or Coke? The truth is, traditionally you didn’t have the time or manpower to connect with each customer one on one, or the funds to blast the market with a “branded” marketing blitz that has no tie back into an ROI.
Even if you understand how important these concepts are, actually putting them into practice is a little more difficult. There is a host of challenges that all business owners face when it comes to the followup. A new way to connect needed to happen, a way that is personal, scalable, easy to use, automatic, and does not break the bank.
Skipio was created by business owners for business owners and helps solve the following problems that each of us face every day in our business:
Problem: Lack of time
Traditionally the manpower it takes to have perfect followup makes it difficult to grow and scale a business.
Solution: Use Skipio personalization to send custom messages to one person or 5,000 people. No extra effort required.
Problem: Technical know-how
Solution: Skipio is easy to use. One customer said:
“I want people who are thinking about Skipio to know that it is easy to implement, even if you aren’t very techie. Often systems need a lot of training or are confusing to the user but Skipio is clean, simple, and effective. I was able to get going on day 1 sending out messages to my entire customer base very quickly and easily and it immediately resulted in a few hundred dollars in sales and me reconnecting with several customers I hadn’t talked to in a while! Talk about paying for itself!”
Problem: Communication clutter
Messages via email or other platforms have been getting washed out by a massive influx of SMS marketing.
Solution: Utilizing text messaging is effective with an open rate of 97%. We touch our phones 2,617 times per day. Don’t you think you should be there waiting when your customer checks their phone?
Problem: Poor relationships
Conversations should be a two-way street, and it shouldn’t seem like you’re simply yelling at your customers.
Solution: “Business conversational texting” is personal, two-way conversation with customers. Plus, with Skipio you get your own personal 10-digit number.
Problem: Connecting on an emotional level
Emotions lead to action.
Solution: By sending voicemail, audio recordings, videos, and messages with your personality, customers can actually get to know you.
Problem: Too expensive/difficult to keep in touch
Solution: You have the ability to automatically reach them when you want and how often you need to: birthdays, anniversaries, any special event, or just to say hi. With Skipio, better follow up is just one click away.
Each feature of Skipio was designed to address these issues, and by implementing Skipio with your creativity you can become “The One” your customers come to at the 12 o’clock hour.
Sign up for Skipio today.