You get a new lead, a perfect buyer if there ever was one. But you don’t know that when you see their name in your CRM. So what’s your plan for making sure they go from hot lead to model customer to brand advocate?

You’ll never guarantee every lead becomes a customer, but writing better lead nurturing sequences certainly helps your chances. Because when you send the right messages to the right people at the right times using the right tool, they can’t help but respond. And when they respond, you get to have a conversation and build a relationship. It’s on that foundation of trust that you get customers who continually support you.

So start using these practical tips when writing text messages for lead nurturing and watch as you get more responses that result in better customer relationships.

Always Introduce Yourself

The best lead nurturing sequences help you start and continue conversations. You have more successful conversations when leads know who you are and what you’re about.

The first-ever message you send to someone needs to include an introduction. Always. Don’t make people guess who you are or why you’re texting them.

Tell new leads who you are, what company you work for, and the reason for reaching out. It can be as simple as, “Hi Bill, this is Jim from Dunder Mifflin. Let’s talk paper. What does your company need right now?”

Keep Messages Short

Your goal isn’t to include as much information as possible in as few messages as possible. The goal is to have a conversation that leads to an appointment/demo/whatever that leads to a sale.

Longer messages result in a higher chance of confusion and lower chance of reading all the way to the end. Longer messages may also appear overwhelming, even if the content is actually simple. In that case, people will see your novel and not bother reading it at all, deciding it’s too complicated to deal with.

Because shorter messages keep people’s attention better and ensure clarity, they make it easier to continue conversations.

Ask Specific Questions When Relevant

Asking questions of course helps keep conversations going. Similar to how you don’t want to include too many CTAs in a lead nurturing email, don’t fill every text with question after question. Ask one or two simple questions per message max.

And just like you would in any conversation, make your questions open-ended and personalized to the person you’re talking to. If a new lead filled out a form about a specific product, reference that in your conversation and questions.

Talk Like Yourself

You choose to text your leads because you know that people crave authenticity, right? They want human interactions, even when it comes to business. So be more like people and talk how you talk — within your professional boundaries of course.

As simple as it sounds, being yourself helps you optimize your lead nurturing sequences and results in better interactions. So watch out for stiff, formal language and avoid sales jargon. You’re just one person talking to another person.

So what’s your overall goal with lead nurturing messages? Being more human

By choosing to communicate conversationally through texting, you put yourself and your team in a position to build personal relationships with leads. Ultimately, the most human businesses are the ones that win over customers.

That’s why Skipio exists.

When you and your team use Skipio, you get more responses, set more appointments, and close more sales. Our platform helps you focus on the human side of sales and business.