New Year, New Members: Group of Gym members giving high fives - How to Use Texting to Boost Gym Engagement and Retention

The New Year is synonymous with fresh starts, and one of the most popular resolutions is to get in shape. Gyms see a surge in memberships during this time, but converting new members into loyal, long-term members is challenging. 

Don’t get us wrong, email and social media campaigns can be effective, but there’s a more immediate and personal way to reach members: texting.

Text messages let you communicate directly and build personal connections with your gym members. It’s a channel where your gym can engage with members in real time. You address individual needs and build a stronger community. 

Let’s explore how to leverage text messaging to boost initial engagement and increase member retention to create a fitness experience beyond the New Year’s resolution hype.

Why Texting Works for Gyms

High Open Rates

Text messages have an open rate of over 98%, compared to just 20% for emails. This means your members are much more likely to see your messages.


Texts can be personalized with the member’s name, workout preferences, and goals. This makes them feel valued and helps them grow a stronger connection to your gym.

Instant and convenient

Texts can be sent in real-time, allowing you to reach members at the right moment with relevant information or motivation. They’re quick and easy to read, even on the go. This makes texts ideal for busy gym members.

How to Use Texting to Boost Engagement and Retention

Welcome New Members

Send a personalized welcome text to new members, introducing them to your gym and its amenities.

Example: Welcome to [Gym Name]! 🏋️‍♂️ We’re excited to have you on board for your fitness journey. Your goals are our goals, and we’re here to support you every step of the way. Need workout tips or class info? Just reply and we’ll crush your fitness goals together! 

Send Motivational Messages

Send regular motivational messages to encourage members to return to your gym. Share workout tips, success stories, and inspirational quotes.

Example: Hey [First Name]! Remember, every drop of sweat gets you closer to your goal. You’ve got this! Keep pushing, keep grinding, and watch those results shine. 💪

Remind About Classes and Events

Send reminders about upcoming classes, events, and workshops. You can also offer exclusive discounts or early access to new classes for members who text in.

Example: Hey [First Name], your [Class Name] is at [Time] today. Gear up and bring your energy. We can’t wait to see you!

Get Feedback and Provide Support

Ask members for feedback on their experience at your gym via text. You can also use texts to support and encourage members struggling to reach their goals.

Example: Hey [First Name], It’s [Your Name] from [Gym Name]. We value your fitness experience and would love to hear your feedback. How are your workouts with [Trainer Name] going? 

Promote Special Offers and Deals

Send exclusive deals and promotions to your members via text. This could include discounts on memberships, personal training sessions, or merchandise.

Example: [First Name], join us today and get 20% off your membership fees for the first three months! Don’t miss this chance to reach your fitness goals while saving big. Text or visit us for more details.

Tips for Effective Gym Texting

  • Get Permission: Always get permission (opt-ins) from members before texting them. You legally can’t text people without them opting in to receive texts. 
  • Personalize Your Messages: Use the member’s name and use insights you have on them to tailor your messages to their interests and goals.
  • Keep It Short and Sweet: Texts should be concise and easy to read. Aim for no more than 350 characters.
  • Use Clear Calls to Action: Clearly tell members what you want them to do after reading your text.
  • Be Consistent: Don’t bombard members with texts. Aim for once or twice a week at most. 
  • Track Your Results: Monitor your open rates, click-through rates, and engagement metrics to see what types of messages are working and what are not.

Text Message Ideas for Gyms

Here are some specific texts gyms can implement to boost engagement and retention:

Welcome/Onboarding Drip Campaign

Create a series of automated texts that welcome new members. Introduce them to your gym’s offerings and provide helpful tips for getting started.


Day 1: Hey [First Name]! We’re excited to welcome you to the [Gym Name] family. Get ready for a fitness journey filled with energy, support, and amazing results! 🏋️‍♀️ Have any questions? Just text us back!

Day 3: Ready to take it up a notch? Explore our classes, meet our trainers, and discover the variety of workouts waiting for you. 💪🔥

Day 7: Hi [First Name]! Let’s chat about your fitness goals. Reply with your goals, and we’ll create a plan just for you.

Day 14: Hey [First Name]! You’ve been rocking it for two weeks! How are you feeling? Any victories to share? Remember, progress is progress, no matter how small. We’re here cheering you on!

Day 21: [First Name], ready for some insider tips? Check your inbox for exclusive workout tips, nutrition hacks, and member-only discounts. We’re here to make your fitness journey even more exciting!

Day 30: Happy one-month anniversary at [Gym Name], [First Name]! You’ve shown dedication, and we’re thrilled to be part of your fitness success. Keep up the work! 🏆💪

Day 60: Hello [First Name]! Can you believe it’s been two months working on your fitness goals at [Gym Name]? You’re halfway to smashing those goals. Share your progress, and let’s keep the momentum going!

Day 90: Congratulations, [First Name]! You’ve reached the 90-day mark of your fitness journey. Reflect on your achievements, set new goals, and know that we’re here cheering you on every step of the way. 

Motivational Mondays

Start the week with a positive text message, sharing an inspirational quote, a workout challenge, or a success story from another member.

Example: Meet [Member’s First Name], our inspiring success story! Just a few months ago, they started their fitness journey with [Gym Name]. Today, [Member’s Name] has gained confidence, strength, and a healthier lifestyle. Learn how we helped [Member’s First Name] crush their goals and how we can help you do the same! (link)

Birthday Wishes

Make members feel special by sending a personalized birthday greeting. Consider adding a special offer or discount.

Example: Happy Birthday, [First Name]! 🎂 Here’s to another year of crushing goals together. Enjoy your special day! 


After a workout, send a message acknowledging their effort and suggesting their next steps for progress.

Example: Awesome workout today, [First Name]! Here are some exercises you can do at home to keep that progress rolling. (link) Every effort counts, and you’re one step closer to your goals. Keep it up! 

Win-Back Drip-Campaign

Reach out to inactive members with exclusive offers or re-engagement challenges to bring them back through the door.


Message 1: Hey [First Name]! It’s been a while since we’ve seen you at [Gym Name]. We miss having you with us! As a special welcome back, here’s an exclusive [discount/offer] on your next membership renewal. Reply for more details. We can’t wait to welcome you back! 

Message 2: Hey, [First Name]! We hope you’re ready for a fresh start. Join our 21-Day Fitness Challenge and rediscover the joy of working towards your fitness goals. Fun workouts, exclusive perks, and a supportive community await! Reply ‘join’ to kickstart your comeback.

Message 3: [First Name]! This is it – your final opportunity to grab our exclusive [discount/offer] and get back into the fitness groove. At [Gym Name], we believe in your journey and are here to support you every step of the way. Reply or visit us to claim this offer!

Message 4: Hi [Member’s Name]! We’ve missed your energy at the gym. How about a complimentary coffee and a catch-up session? Let us know if you’d like to schedule a chat with one of our fitness experts. We’re here to discuss your goals, address any concerns, and create a plan just for you. 

Message 5: [First Name], our gym community isn’t the same without you. Renew your membership today, and let’s pick up where we left off. (link)

Boost Your Gym Engagement and Retention with Skipio

Personalized engagement is the key to keeping your gym members motivated and committed to their health goals. And the best tool to create meaningful, direct communication is Skipio

With Skipio, gyms create genuine relationships through personalized texts, offering tailored workout tips, motivation, and exclusive deals.

Skipio empowers gym owners and managers to welcome new members and nurture existing relationships with automated reminders, personalized messages, and re-engagement campaigns. Skipio helps you make sure that every member feels valued throughout their time at your gym.

Ready to increase your gym’s member engagement in 2024? Start texting with Skipio. Get started with a Skipio plan today.