Personalized Texting vs Mass Texting: Which Is Better?

Text messaging is a huge part of our daily communication. Whether for personal or business purposes, text messaging works because of its ability to reach people quickly. 

However, there are two distinct approaches to business text messaging: personalized texting and mass texting.

In this blog post, we explore the differences between these two strategies and the benefits of personalized text messaging in creating individual connections with customers.

Understanding Mass Texting

Mass texting, or bulk SMS, is when a single message is sent to a large group of people simultaneously, often using a short code number. Usually businesses send general announcements or updates, promotions, or event invitations. They automate mass texts to save time and resources by reaching their entire audience. 

Large and small businesses love the speed and convenience of sending mass texts. But those messages don’t feel personal. As a result, people don’t engage much and don’t become loyal to your brand.

The Rise of Personalized Text Messaging

Personalized text messaging is more individual. Instead of sending generic messages to a large group, you tailor personalized texts to each recipient’s specific needs and interests. 

This strategy requires more effort and attention to detail but offers many advantages that mass texting can’t match. The following are a few of those advantages. 

Authentic Connections

Personalized text messaging helps your business create authentic connections that go beyond generic mass communication. Personalized texts show that you actually care about your customers individually, building loyalty and trust. 

Address recipients by name and share relevant content to make your customers feel valued and acknowledged.

Texts that directly address the recipient by name immediately grab attention. It shows that the business isn’t treating customers as just another contact in a list. This simple personal touch establishes a human connection. But using your customers’ names is just the starting point to personalizing your messages. 

Personalized texts allow you to go beyond basic demographics and tap into your customers’ interests, preferences, and past interactions. Analyze customer data, such as purchase or booking history, abandoned carts, feedback, and more, to customize messages.

Increased Engagement

Personalized messages get more attention. They open the door for two-way communication and feedback with customers. Mass texts often don’t have an option for responses. 

Include interactive elements like questions or links to surveys. These encourage customers to share their opinions, preferences, and suggestions, or to simply reply. This creates dialogue, allowing you to gather valuable insights while keeping customers engaged in the conversation. 

Tailored messages have a higher chance of capturing your customers’ attention, leading to increased engagement and ultimately higher conversion rates.

Improved Customer Satisfaction and Retention

Customers feel more connected to brands that send relevant messages and cater to their needs. 

For example, a clothing retailer sends a message highlighting new arrivals in each customer’s favorite category instead of sending a generic text about a store-wide sale. This level of personalization increases the chances of customers seeing the message, replying, and buying. It shows that the business actually understands each customer’s fashion taste and values their preferences.

Relevant messages keep customers informed and engaged which strengthens your relationships, leading to long-term loyalty and repeat purchases.

Increase customer retention further by actively listening and responding to customer feedback. Customers appreciate having their voices heard. Listening to them shows you care about their experiences and results in higher trust in your brand.

Which Is Better?

Personalized and mass texting have advantages and disadvantages, and which is better for your business depends on your specific goals and audience. Both can have a place in your outreach strategy. Finding the right balance between the two approaches is how you create an effective communication strategy.

Mass texting remains useful for general announcements or time-sensitive information that applies to a wide audience when you don’t necessarily need responses. On the other hand, use personalized text messaging to build relationships and drive individual engagement. If you want to have conversations with customers, send personalized messages.

Grow your business with personalized business texting

Don’t underestimate the value of personalized text messaging. Personalized texting remains the most powerful tool for building individual connections, providing more opportunities for interaction, and driving higher customer satisfaction. 

Invest your time and effort into crafting personalized messages because, ultimately, those lead to stronger customer relationships and more sales. To make that easy, use Skipio for creating meaningful and impactful communication experiences.

Skipio’s two-way text messaging platform specifically helps you engage leads consistently and keep customers longer. Take a 5-minute tour to see how Skipio naturally fits into your outreach strategy.